Wednesday, January 27, 2010

And I always kept faith like B.I.G...

Third pic of "Descriptions"... Hope you like them so far. Enjoy!

Faith Resize


While on tour, Kid Cudi and his crew decided to make a documentary which turned into his latest video, Cudderisback". The video is pretty cool. Enjoy!

KiD CuDi "cudderisback" - Directed by Jason Goldwatch - from DP on Vimeo.

"I'm Here" by Spike Jonze

Mr. Spike Jonze has done it again with his new short film titled, "I'm Here". If you don't remember Spike Jonze, he was the guy that directed the short film with Kanye West called, "We were once a fairytale". Somehow he makes you forget that you are watching a movie about robots!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sky by Philip Bloom

This video is amazing. The whole thing was shot in Dubai over a 5 day/night period! Enjoy!

Sky from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The City is our Playground

Downtown Miami is beautiful all in its own. Now, when you combine the city with the people, that's when you get it in it's entirety. You get to see the different cultures, religions and occupations just by walking down the street. Whether you are a cop, a model, photpgrapher or even an aspiring skater. You can find all that and more in MIAMI.

Fire Hydrant 3 rs

Downtown_Skater 1 rs

Downtown_Skater 5 rs

Downtown_Skater 4 rs

Downtown_Skater 2 rs

Ran into a group of kids
Skater 6 rs

Skater 5 rs

Skater 12 rs

Skater 16 rs

Skater 18 rs

Skater 19 rs

Skater 14 Collage rs2

Skater 17 rs

Skater 8 rs

Skater 10 rs

Skater 14 rs

Skater 11 rs

Skater 20 rs

Skater 1 rs

Friday, January 22, 2010

Messin' Around...

Sometime you create a bond with someone that goes deeper than you would ever think. With that bond comes love, happiness, sadness, anger and many others. Messing around with the camera this weekend, like usual, some of those emotions get caught and become great memories. Enjoy!

Juan & Jane 2 resize

Juan & Jane 4 resize

Juan & Jane 3 resize

Juan & Jane 5 resize

Juan & Jane resize

Juan & Jane 6 resize

Bliss resize

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Clipse - Freedom

The Clipse's new album is rediculous. If you haven't picked it up yet, do yourself a favor and grab it. Possibly one of their best albums. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Moment of Clarity

It just seemed to be the right "Description" for it.

Moment of Clarity

CJ's new ride

So a couple days ago I went with Cracker J's to go pick up his new bike! Now, this ain't just any bike, it is a Specialized bike made out of carbon fiber with all the goodies. I tagged along and took a couple of shots while we waited for it to be ready! Enjoy!

Beautifuly Lonely

CJ day 4

Cj Day 5

Cj Day 8

Got tired of waiting inside so I went outside....
Cj Day 12

Cj Day 7

Cj Day 6

Cj Day 9

Cj Day 10

You know he had to try it out.
Cj Day 3

CJ Day

Lets Ride

Cj Day 11

Thursday, January 7, 2010


This is the start off a series of pictures I want to take and the series will be called "Descriptions". This one really wasn't thought out to well. I was at home thinking of how to start the series off and couldn't think of anything. Once the frustration set in, it clicked! This is what I came up with for the first one. Click on the photo to look at other sizes. Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Art of Facts by 13thwitness

Here we have the latest video from 13thwitness. Of course, if my father was Futura, I would follow him around every where. Both of these guys are creative genuises. Enjoy!

Art Of Facts (Feat. FUTURA) from 13thWitness™ on Vimeo.

Monday, January 4, 2010

So the holidays are over and I had a little time to take a couple of shots. All just random shots from driving around, bored at the house, walking the dog.... You get the point! Enjoy!

Branch 2

Orange Crush

Shinning down


Rosco Flash 7

Rosco B&W

Rosco Flash resize

She never lets me get her!
Jane rear

Red Flowers